Die Frauen*solidarität stellt auf ihrer Website monatlich eine Auswahl von Titeln der Neuzugänge in ihrem Bibliotheksbestand vor (Link).
Im Spätherbst 2018 war das u.a. das Buch María Lugones: Pilgrimages. theorizing coalition against multiple oppressions (Lanham, Md. ; Oxford : Rowman & Littlefield, 2003). Daniit ist diese Klassikerin der feministischen Theorie nun endlich auch in Wien erhältlich:
María Lugones, one of the premiere figures in feminist philosophy, has collected some of her most famous essays, as well as some lesser-known gems, into her first book, Pilgrimages/Peregrinajes. Lugones writes from her own perspective as an inhabitant of a number of different „worlds.“ Born in Argentina but living for a number of years in the United States, she sees herself as neither quite a U.S. citizen, nor quite an Argentine. An activist against the oppression of Latino/a people by the dominant U.S. culture, she is also an academic participating in the privileges of that culture. A lesbian, she experiences homophobia in both Anglo and Latino world. A woman, she moves uneasily in the world of patriarchy. Lugones writes out of multiple and conflicting subjectivities that shape her sense of who she is, resisting the demand for a unified self in light of her necessary ambiguities. Pilgrimages/Peregrinajes explores the possibility of deep coalition with other women of color, based on „multiple understandings of oppressions and resistances“ – understandings whose logic she subjects to philosophical investigation.
Frauen*solidarität-Signatur: I A 2928; Schlagworte: Feminismus / Theorie / Intersektionalität ; Feministische Theorie ; Woman of Color ; Aktivistin ; Lesbe ; Sexistische Diskriminierung